Now customers can order the Whopper and set a date and year when they want to receive it in the future
Burger King presents Whopper of the future. Now customers can order the Whopper and set a date and year when they want to receive it in the future.
The campaign Whopper for the future by Buzzman allows 1,00,000 customers to order a free Whopper using Burger King app and set a date, month, and year between Jan 1, 2021, to Dec 31, 2030. The app will then generate a QR code which is directly sent to your respective E-mail to pick up your free Whopper.
The video starts with the incidents that happened and going to happen from 2020 to 3129. The list of incidents consists of covid-19, Pay for oxygen, Alien invasion, giant asteroid impact, and dinosaur’s rule again.
Then a voiceover starts saying “No one knows what tomorrow will bring, At least send yourself something good in the future.”
As we all are not happy with the journey of 2020-2021 going so far Burger King is trying to bring little happiness in our future by its latest promotional campaign that allows its customers to guarantee themselves a little treat in their future.
Even though the customers can order it for the present, but the overall point of this campaign is to treat yourself in the future with at least one good thing in case if things get.
Article and from: Passionate in Marketing
Photo: Reproduction / internet
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